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WhatsApp is owned by Facebook & Facebook has released its new Content Moderation Plan, which you need to know about.

WhatsApp is having an end-to-end encryption as we know, which is supposed to make our messages secure. Facebook is going to add embedded content moderation and blacklist filtering algorithms to all their services including WhatsApp. Facebook is calling this, ‘Using AI to keep the platform safe’.

This talk took place on May 1, 2019, at the 2019 edition of their developer conference F8. Facebook has said that it will need to be able to scan the content of users before it becomes end-to-end encrypted. & they’ll need to harvest messages that’ve been marked by their AI as potentially breaking their speech rules. When a violation is flagged, said Facebook, they’ll need to be able to access those messages for human reading. Once violation is found, the flagged messages will then almost certainly be used in their entirety to further train their algorithms. All without any sort of additional authorization on the part of the message sender or receiver.

This AI algorithm will be saved locally on your device. WhatsApp will read all messages as they’re typed on each person’s phone. If a violation is found, violator messages will be sent directly to Facebook, in their entirety, for further action. WhatsApp was supposed to be private and secure, but now after this WhatsApp will never be the same, before getting encrypted The App will read your content and also send it to Facebook, we do not even know what words & phrases will be included as a Violation in the speech.

In other reports also we find that Facebook was always having this in mind, this means this will come to Facebook Messenger also and other apps. You have to find a secure messenger now, no matter how much any messenger says its secure, it is always vulnerable, who knows what will they do with user’s data or maybe doing.




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