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The head of the Italian COVID-19 fighting force said that the mutated coronavirus can be transmitted despite the masks. It was stated that surgical masks will not be a solution to the new virus.

Since the early days of the outbreak, the importance of wearing a mask has been mentioned to prevent its spread. But Pier Luigi Bartoletti, head of Italy’s anti-COVID-19 force, made statements that further heightened concerns about the B117 mutation of the coronavirus.


According to Bartoletti, the B117 mutation of SARS-COV-2 has the risk of contamination even when wearing a surgical mask. Bartoletti states that if a mask is worn for a long time in closed areas that are not adequately ventilated, there is a possibility of transmission of the new type of virus, but that there is no risk when using FFP2 or FFP3 type masks.

“The virus is adapting to the measures we take to protect ourselves.”the UK mutation is weaker, which makes it less deadly, but because of that (adaptation to measures) it infects a lot more people,” Bartoletti said. We don’t have any scientific evidence yet, but we’ve noticed that the virus is spreading more and more., ” he said.




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