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A new case presentation at BMJ Case Reports revealed changes in the brain of a person who has been using cocaine over the years. When he came to the emergency room, he could not even respond to simple commands.

Brain scans of a person using cocaine over the years have been shared in a new case presentation published in BMJ Case Reports. Scans showed that the substance, called cocaine, caused serious damage to the person’s brain.

Cocaine is known for its different side effects, from heart palpitations to palm sweats.

Dr. Ylenia Abdilla, “The patient was not cooperative, unable to perform simple tasks and was not following commands. He was moving all four limbs in purposeful movement.” he said.

After the results of the blood tests were normal, the patient underwent an MRI and revealed that a 45-year-old man’s brain had been ‘eaten’. Following this MRI, the man was diagnosed with leucoencephalopathy (a disease of the white matter of the brain).





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